Baby Swaddle: How to and When to Stop Swaddling Your Baby

Baby Swaddle: How to & When to Stop Swaddling Your Baby

Baby swaddle is a traditional method of wrapping a baby in a blanket or other cloth to simulate the comfort of being in the womb. It has been used for centuries to soothe babies and help them sleep better.

But many parents are now asking, “How long should I be swaddling my baby, and when should I stop swaddling?”

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at baby swaddle techniques and provide helpful tips on how to use it safely and effectively.

We’ll also explore when you can transition your baby out of being swaddled, as well as some alternatives that can provide similar comfort without restricting them.

Table of Contents

What is Swaddling?

Swaddling is an age-old practice of wrapping babies in blankets or other cloths, so they feel snug and secure. The benefit of swaddling a baby is it often calms fussiness and helps babies sleep better.

Many hospitals swaddle newborns right after birth to help them adjust to the outside world, and some parents continue swaddling at home until their baby is 4 to 6 months old.

If you're thinking about swaddling your baby, it's important to know how to do it correctly. Improper swaddling can lead to hip problems or other issues later on.

Be sure to use a light blanket that's breathable so your baby doesn't get too hot, and make sure the swaddle isn't too tight. Leave room for your baby's hips to move slightly so they don't become deformed.

It's also important to know when to stop swaddling your baby. Most experts recommend discontinuing around 4 to 6 months, before your baby starts rolling over on their own.

Swaddling may still be beneficial after that point if your baby has trouble sleeping but be sure not to use it all the time as it could inhibit your child's movement and development. Checkout our blog post about How to Knit a Baby Blanket: 4 Steps and Learning the Basics.

Is Swaddling Safe?

Swaddling can be safe and beneficial for babies when done correctly. According to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), evaluated the benefits and risks of swaddling. The review found that swaddling can help reduce excessive crying and improve sleep in infants. It also noted benefits for preterm infants, such as improved neuromuscular development and reduced physiological distress. 

However, the review highlighted potential risks, including hip dysplasia if swaddling is done incorrectly, and an increased risk of respiratory infections if swaddling is too tight.

Here are some key points to consider:


  • Calming Effect: Swaddling can help soothe babies by mimicking the snug environment of the womb, which may reduce crying and promote better sleep.
  • Improved Sleep: It can help babies sleep more soundly and for longer periods.
  • Neuromuscular Development: For premature babies, swaddling has been shown to improve neuromuscular development and muscle tone.

Safety Tips:

  1. Back to Sleep: Always place your baby on their back to sleep to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  2. Avoid Overheating: Ensure your baby doesn't get too hot. Check for signs like sweating or flushed cheeks.
  3. Hip-Friendly Swaddling: Allow enough room for your baby's legs to move and bend at the hips to prevent hip dysplasia.
  4. Stop When Rolling Over: Discontinue swaddling as soon as your baby shows signs of trying to roll over.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that swaddling is a safe and comforting practice for your baby.

How to Swaddle Your Baby

If you're a new parent, you may be wondering how to swaddle your baby. Swaddling is a technique that involves wrapping your baby in a blanket so that their arms are snug against their body.

This can help your baby feel more secure and can also help to prevent them from scratching themselves with their nails.

There are many ways to swaddle your baby, but the most important thing is to make sure that the baby blanket is not too tight.

You should also leave enough room for your baby to move their hips and legs so that they don't become uncomfortable.

If you're interested in giving swaddling a try, follow these 6 simple steps:

How to Swaddle Your Baby
  1. Choose a large, rectangular piece of cloth. A lightweight cotton blanket or muslin square is ideal.
  2. Fold the fabric in half so that its double layered.
  3. Place your baby on their back on top of the fabric, with their head resting near the fold.
  4. Bring the bottom edge of the fabric up over your baby's feet, tucking it in behind their knees.
  5. Take the left and right sides of the fabric and wrap them snugly around your baby's chest, crossing them over at the front.
  6. Tuck the fabric securely under your baby's chin, making sure that it's not too tight around their neck.
When you're ready to stop swaddling your baby, it's important to do it gradually. Start by leaving one arm out of the swaddle, and then eventually stop swaddling altogether. This will give your baby time to adjust to not being wrapped up tightly and will help prevent them from waking up feeling startled or frustrated.

When to Stop Swaddling Your Baby

If you're wondering when to stop swaddling your baby, the answer is usually around 2-4 months old. At this age, babies are typically able to roll over and can become frustrated with being confined in a swaddle.

If your baby is showing signs of frustration (e.g., crying more than usual, trying to roll over), it's probably time to stop swaddling.

There are a few different ways to transition out of swaddling. One option is to gradually stop using the swaddle for naps and nighttime sleep but continue using it during the day for as long as your baby needs it.

Another option is to switch to a "transitional" product like the Halo Sleep Sack Swaddle, which has an adjustable design that allows you to loosen or tighten the swaddle as needed.

If you're not sure whether your baby is ready to be unswaddled, just ask your pediatrician for guidance.

4 Swaddle Alternatives

If you're looking for alternatives to swaddling your baby, there are a few options you can try:

1. Sleep Sack - The "sleep sack" or "wearable blanket." This is a sleeveless garment that goes over your baby's sleep outfit and has legs so that your baby can move her limbs freely. You can find sleep sacks made of cotton, flannel, or other soft materials.

2. Swaddle Bag - There are different types of swaddle bags for newborn babies. They are usually made of cloth and have Velcro or snap closure. Some have a built-in swaddle blanket, while others do not. Swaddle up can be used for newborns up to about 4 months old.

When choosing a swaddle bag, consider the fabric and the closure. Make sure the fabric is breathable so that your baby does not overheat. The closure should be secure but easy to open in case you need to get to your baby quickly.

Swaddle ups can help your baby sleep better by making them feel cozy and secure. Swaddling also helps prevent the startle reflex, which can wake your baby up.

However, you should only use a swaddles for a short period of time. Once your baby starts to roll over, it's time to stop swaddling them.

3. 3. 5-Point Harness - Another alternative to swaddling is called the "5-point harness." This is a device that goes over your baby's clothing and has straps that go over each shoulder, between the legs, and around the waist.

This restraint system keeps your baby's arms and legs from moving too much while she sleeps and also helps to prevent her from rolling over onto her stomach.

4. Pillow or Stuffed Animal - Finally, you could try using a firm pillow or stuffed animal to prop up your baby's head and chest while she sleeps. This will help to keep her in a semi-upright position and minimize the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).


Swaddling is a great way to comfort your baby and encourage sleep, but the technique should be used with caution. As soon as your baby starts to show signs of rolling over or pushing against the swaddle, it’s time to stop swaddling.

There are many different types of swaddle blankets available today, so you can find one that will help keep your little one safe while they rest.

Remember that while swaddling has its benefits, it shouldn’t be used for too long nor should babies spend too much time in a tight wrap.

Following these guidelines will ensure that your baby is safe and comfortable during their nap time!

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