Baby's Premiere 3D & 4D Ultrasound
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Baby’s Premiere 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio was created out of an increasing demand by pregnant women and their families. There was a high demand to see their baby before he or she is born without all the elements of a diagnostic scan in a setting that is conducive to the bonding process. They are confident with the positive results they see from their patients are due to their level of responsibility and professionalism. They are professionally owned and operated using only trained obstetrical ARDMS certified sonographers.
The healthcare professionals of Baby’s Premiere 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio are experienced Certified ARDMS sonographers. These compassionate individuals strongly believe in the positive experiences and life altering changes that occur due to the patient’s ability to witness first-hand the Miracle of Life that grows from within them during an ultrasound. Baby’s Premiere believes that these reassurance scans are beneficial to the patient for various different reasons. Therefore, given the safety of ultrasound, and the expertise of their experienced certified staff, they feel comfortable in saying that they can work with physicians/midwives in providing this type of scan in a responsible setting that is conducive to the bonding experience the pregnant woman and her family desires.